Tuesday 28 February 2012

Write an Idiom!

On a cool, crisp morning, going out and plaing soccer is what wakes you up, and what makes you want to leave your room. Like a gazelle, you run across the ground, running to get the ball, in hopes that no one is in your pursuit. You feel the sweat dripping off of you, as this is a do or die moment. You can feel the cold wind peircing your ears, and as the earth beneath your feet is softly carrying your motion. At this stage in the game, you're running to the net, and all that's left now is to place the golden ball in the back of the net. Nothing makes you want to be out more than soccer.

Non-Fiction Book Selection

I didn't chose the Diary of Anne Frank, but rather a book written about the diary.
I know much about World War II from socials 11. I know the cause and what sparked. I am informed on who's to blame for the war, not only the Germans, but the all of us contributing.
We only breifly spoke about the holocaust, so what I would like to know if more in depth. I would like to know how the people felt, and go more into detail into the lives of the Jews. I'm anticipating a good read with this, and I feel as though I will learn what I've been looking for through these pages, and analysis of the diary of Anne Frank.

Monday 27 February 2012

Non-Fiction VS. Fiction

I think both have an equal amount of value.
For non-fiction, it tells how what has happened, and therefore can give us real life experiences that we might be able to use for our own lives. For example, if there was a book written by a man who had survived in the cold, lost in the snow telling the readers about what he had to in able to survive, and the necessary precautions he had to take and tips on what to do when going out on a trip, someone might be able to use it in there lives, for when they go out, and they will know what they should do.  I think non-fiction tells us a lot about our past, and helps us know how others lived in other times. The Diary of Anne Frank would tell us what her life was as a young Jewish girl, and would help us understand more about the Holocaust and World War II, bettering our knowledge of our history and our participance in the war, and our contribution or lack of contribution to the cause.
Fiction to me is so valuable because it can create images in our head, that might not have happened, and uses so  much imagination, and can help us think the impossible. It lets our imagination soar, and broaden and expand the limits of our mind. Fiction can help us explain why something happen. For example, Narnia might give us ideas how the earths were formed. Fiction has no limits and can be anything and everything. Anything is possible, and we can create stories in our head. Personally, I prefer fiction because I feel it allows me to be more creative and artistic.

Independent Research Project

1. My topic will be about World War II, and the holocaust.
2. I chose this topic because I'm interested in what happened in Germany during the holocaust, and how the people were treated.
3. Having completed Socials 11, I already know a bit about the topic, but hopefully I'll be able to go more in depth with the holocaust, rather than just WWII.
4. Some ideas I had were involving Crystallnacht, and the rise of nazism and the beginning of anti-semitism.
5. The book I chose will help me understand the childhood, and the living conditions of one living during the time of the Holocaust.
6. I feel I'll need to look up on the internet more about the holocaust, and look more into the live on Anne Frank.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


Hello, my name is Lulu Cepeda. Most people call me Lulu, though I have many other nicknames... Some good, some bad... But mostly all bad. I'm generally a very happy person. I love when people make me smile and being positive, and I love making people smile in return! My parents are from Cordoba, Argentina. When I was born, I lived in kelowna, but born in Penticton, and then moved to Vancouver a few years later. I live with my father, Mauricio Cepeda, his wife, Andrea, and my two siblings, Liliana and Franco. My mother, Natalia and my 3 close sisters and best friends, Mariangel, 17, Florencia, 19, and Mercedes, 21, live in Vancouver, the greastest city in my opinion. I moved two Penticton in grade 6, and although it's a nice, peaceful city, I'd like to think of myself more as a big city girl. Some of my hobbies are watching my favourite tv shows, watching my favourite soccer team play on tv, playing soccer, and playing video games. My taste in most things are from the United Kingdom. I like tv shows such as Doctor Who and Misfits, possibly the greatest shows in the world. They have you on the edge of your seat every second! My favourite soccer teams is the Argentine national team, and FC Barcelona and playing on both teams is my absolute favourite player, Lionel Messi. An absolute genius in the football world, dancing on the pitch with such grace and power. My favourite type of people in this world is funny people. I absolutely love anybody that will bring humour and fun to my life.
My blog has so much to offer, it will be fun, and exciting, and that's why you should read it. :)